
A collection for my mother, who teaches me to see the world as it is: dim, ridiculous, and injured; struggling to reveal itself.


Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

Genesis 1:2

So the King Sold the Farmer

Amiri Baraka

A people flattened chained

    bathed & degraded

        in their own hysterical waste



under neath

deep down

up under

                grave cave pit

                lower & deeper

            Weeping miles below

                                skyscraper gutters

Brother Okot

Amiri Baraka

Our people say

death lives in the West

(Any one can see plainly, each evening

where the sun goes to die)

So Okot

is now in the West

Here w/ us in hell

I have heard his songs

felt the earth drum his dance

his wide ness

& Sky self

Ocoli Singer

Ocoli Fighter

Brother Okot

now here w/ us

in the place

Where even the Sun



Amiri Baraka

1  They Ugly

on purpose!

2  They get high

off Air Raids!

3    They are the oldest

continuously functioning

     Serial Killers!

4      They murder

 to Explain


5  They think


    are food.

6   They imitate


             by lying

7      They are always naked

   and always dirty

      the shower & tuxedo

         don't help

8       They go to the bathroom

   to have a religious


9       They believe everything is better

   Dead. And that everything alive

      is their enemy.

10  Plus Heathens is armed

   and dangerous.

I’m not real

Sun Ra

I’m not real,

I’m just like you.

You don’t exist in this society.

If you did,

your people wouldn’t be seeking equal rights.

You’re not real,

if you were you’d have some status

among the nations of the world.

So we are both myths.

I do not come to you as a reality,

I come to you as the myth

because that is what

black people are: myths.

I came from a dream

that the black man dreamed long ago.

I’m actually a presence

sent to you by your ancestors.


Langston Hughes

We cry among the skyscrapers

As our ancestors

Cried among the palms in Africa

Because we are alone,

It is night,

And we’re afraid.


Langston Hughes

I am so tired of waiting,

Aren't you,

For the world to become good

And beautiful and kind?

Let us take a knife

And cut the world in two-

And see what worms are eating

At the rind.


Langston Hughes

Wave of sorrow,

Do not drown me now:

I see the island

Still ahead somehow.

I see the island

And its sands are fair:

Wave of sorrow,

Take me there.

Poppy Flower

Langston Hughes

A wild poppy-flower

Withered and died.

The day-people laughed --

But the night-people cried.

A wild poppy-flower

Withered and died.

Feet o’ Jesus

Langston Hughes

At the feet o’ Jesus,

Sorrow like a sea.

Lordy, let yo’ mercy

Come driftin’ down on me.

At the feet o’ Jesus

At yo’ feet I stand.

O, ma little Jesus,

Please reach out yo’ hand.

God to Hungry Child

Langston Hughes

Hungry child,

I didn't make this world for you

You didn't buy any stock in my railroad.

You didn't invest in my corporation.

Where are your shares in standard oil?

I made the world for the rich

And the will-be-rich

And the have-always-been-rich,

Not for you,

Hungry child.

Muddy Boots

Sam Pink

Being broke feels like

the entire world is a party

at someone else’s house.

& you’re wearing muddy shoes that u can’t take off

and everyone’s just like, ‘Yo, come on, leave.’

And you want to leave

but somehow just can’t.

The Reassurer

Wendell Berry

A people in the throes of national prosperity, who

breathe poisoned air, drink poisoned water, eat

poisoned food,

who take poisoned medicines to heal them of the poisons

that they breathe, drink, and eat,

such a people crave the further poison of official

reassurance. It is not logical,

but it is understandable, perhaps, that they adore

their President who tells them that all is well,

all is better than ever.

The President reassures the farmer and his wife who

have exhausted their farm to pay for it, and have

exhausted themselves to pay for it,

and have not paid for it, and have gone bankrupt for

the sake of the free market, foreign trade, and the

prosperity of corporations;

he consoles the Navahos, who have been exiled from their

place of exile, because the poor land contained

something required for the national prosperity,

after all;

he consoles the young woman dying of cancer caused by a

substance used in the normal course of national

prosperity to make red apples redder;

he consoles the couple in the Kentucky coalfields, who

sit watching TV in their mobile home on the mud of

the floor of a mined-out stripmine;

from his smile they understand that the fortunate have

a right to their fortunes, that the unfortunate have

a right to their misfortunes, and that these are

equal rights.

The President smiles with the disarming smile of a man

who has seen God, and found Him a true American,

not overbearingly smart.

The President reassures the Chairman of the Board of the

Humane Health for Profit Corporation of America,

who knows in his replaceable heart that health, if

it came, would bring financial ruin;

he reassures the Chairman of the Board of the Victory

and Honor for Profit Corporation of America, who

has been wakened in the night by a dream of the

calamity of peace.

Look It Over

Wendell Berry

I leave behind even

my walking stick. My knife

is in my pocket, but that

I have forgot. I bring

no car, no cell phone,

no computer, no camera,

no CD player, no fax, no

TV, not even a book. I go

into the woods. I sit down on

a log provided at no cost.

It is the earth I've come to,

the earth itself, sadly

abused by the stupidity

only humans are capable of

but, as ever, itself. Free.

A bargain! Get it while it lasts!


Sun Ra

If you’re not mad

at the world,

you don’t have

what it takes


Sun Ra

I know what

life is.

This is not


This is death

disguised as life.


God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.

Genesis 1:4


Sun Ra

I find when you bring anything new

the lights always go out

because why?

we were doing something creative!

and creation always starts with darkness

and then you make light.

you take the darkness and

do something with it.


Sun Ra

I have a potent degree of

love that is so


in one world that it is


in another.


Sun Ra

First of all I express sincerity.

There's also that sense of humor, by which

people sometimes learn to laugh

about themselves.

I mean,

the situation is so serious

that the people could go crazy because of it.

They need to smile and

realize how ridiculous everything is.

A race without a sense of humor is in bad shape.

A race needs clowns.

In earlier days people knew that.

Kings always had a court jester around.

In that way he was always reminded

how ridiculous things are.

I believe that nations too should have

jesters, in the congress, near the president,


You could call me the

jester of the Creator.

The whole world,

all the disease and misery,

it's all ridiculous.

Yesterday’s Bullshit

Sam Pink

Watching a breeze

move through some grass

I imagine it was just

the grass

shaking off yesterday’s bullshit

to prepare for today.

To prepare for

more bullshit.

Speech to the Young: Speech to the Progress-Toward

Gwendolyn Brooks

Say to them,

say to the down-keepers,

the sun-slappers,

the self-soilers,

the harmony-hushers,

"Even if you are not ready for day

it cannot always be night."

You will be right.

For that is the hard home-run.

Live not for battles won.

Live not for the-end-of-the-song.

Live in the along.

little prayer

Danez Smith

let ruin end here

let him find honey

where there was once a slaughter

let him enter the lion’s cage

& find a field of lilacs

let this be the healing

& if not   let it be

Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front

Wendell Berry

Love the quick profit, the annual raise,

vacation with pay. Want more

of everything ready-made. Be afraid

to know your neighbors and to die.

And you will have a window in your head.

Not even your future will be a mystery

any more. Your mind will be punched in a card

and shut away in a little drawer.

When they want you to buy something

they will call you. When they want you

to die for profit they will let you know.

So, friends, every day do something

that won’t compute. Love the Lord.

Love the world. Work for nothing.

Take all that you have and be poor.

Love someone who does not deserve it.

Denounce the government and embrace

the flag. Hope to live in that free

republic for which it stands.

Give your approval to all you cannot

understand. Praise ignorance, for what man

has not encountered he has not destroyed.

Ask the questions that have no answers.

Invest in the millennium. Plant sequoias.

Say that your main crop is the forest

that you did not plant,

that you will not live to harvest.

Say that the leaves are harvested

when they have rotted into the mold.

Call that profit. Prophesy such returns.

Put your faith in the two inches of humus

that will build under the trees

every thousand years.

Listen to carrion — put your ear

close, and hear the faint chattering

of the songs that are to come.

Expect the end of the world. Laugh.

Laughter is immeasurable. Be joyful

though you have considered all the facts.

So long as women do not go cheap

for power, please women more than men.

Ask yourself: Will this satisfy

a woman satisfied to bear a child?

Will this disturb the sleep

of a woman near to giving birth?

Go with your love to the fields.

Lie easy in the shade. Rest your head

in her lap. Swear allegiance

to what is nighest your thoughts.

As soon as the generals and the politicos

can predict the motions of your mind,

lose it. Leave it as a sign

to mark the false trail, the way

you didn’t go. Be like the fox

who makes more tracks than necessary,

some in the wrong direction.

Practice resurrection.

Prayers and Sayings of the Mad Farmer

Wendell Berry


At night make me one with the darkness.

In the morning make me one with the light


Don’t pray for the rain to stop.

Pray for good luck fishing

when the river floods


When I rise up

let me rise up joyful

like a bird.

When I fall

let me fall without regret

like a leaf.


Let me wake in the night

and hear it raining

and go back to sleep.


Make the human race a better head.

Make the world a better piece of ground.