You Can't Avoid Technical Debt
What is Technical Debt?
Technical debt refers to an accrued development cost caused by implementing limited, short-term solutions over more thorough, long-term solutions. It is often analogized to monetary debt because of its useful metaphor in dealing with interest and debt repayment – debt, left unchecked, will compound and grow more costly ro resolve. This analogy is somewhat helpful, but does not capture all angles of dealing with technical debt because of the inherent negative connotations of monetary debt.
React is Easy, Render Props Are Hard
Render Props in React
Using render props in your React app is a great way to reuse code and share functionality between components.
React is Easy, HOC's Are Hard
Although we are considering higher-order components in the context of ReactJS, the concept can be applied anywhere because it is based on a much broader functional programming technique called composition.
React Arcade | Greedy Dice Pt. 2
React Arcade
Grab your tokens, take your tickets… Welcome back to the React Arcade!
This a blog series is meant to increase
our knowledge
and improve
our implementation
of React by making games.
React Arcade | Greedy Dice Pt. 1
React Arcade
Grab your tokens, take your tickets… Welcome to the React Arcade!
This is a blog series which I hope enjoys a long life. The idea is to increase
our knowledge
and improve
our implementation
of React by making games. In a previous blog post I discuss the value of game development as a learning tool for web development. I believe this is especially true for component based, reactive frameworks.
Variables are Easy, Declaring Them is Hard
Var . Let . Const
Javascript gives us three distinct ways to declare a variable. Those are var
and const
. It can be difficult to know why or when to use one over the other. In the following examples we will discover that these key words are differentiated by the scope in which the act and the the behavior in which they assign value.